Angharad Williams,
'Scarecrows', 2018 (1 of 4),
foamboard, silicone
Angharad Williams,
'Scarecrows', 2018 (1 of 4),
foamboard, silicone
Constructing Desire #2 : Delirium, exhibition view, Knopf Paul, Berlin, 2018
Constructing Desire #2 : Delirium, exhibition view, Knopf Paul, Berlin, 2018
Constructing Desire #2 : Delirium, exhibition view, Knopf Paul, Berlin, 2018
Sophia Mairer,
untitled, 2018,
oil on canvas
Sophia Mairer,
untitled, 2018,
oil on canvas
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Serpents', 2016-2018,
glazed earthenware, glazed stoneware
Sophia Mairer,
untitled, 2018,
oil on canvas
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Sheela-na-gigs', 2018,
glazed earthenware
Constructing Desire #2 : Delirium, exhibition view, Knopf Paul, Berlin, 2018
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Canine on its back', 2017,
glazed earthenware
Sophia Mairer,
untitled, 2018,
oil on canvas
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Serpents', 2016-2018,
glazed earthenware, glazed stoneware
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Serpents', 2016-2018,
glazed earthenware, glazed stoneware
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Serpents', 2016-2018,
glazed earthenware, glazed stoneware
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Canine Autofellatio', 2017,
glazed earthenware
Sophia Mairer,
'Fulgur #3', 2016,
fluorescent tube, cable, styrofoam
Sophia Mairer,
'Fulgur #3', Detail, 2016,
fluorescent tube, cable, styrofoam
Sophia Mairer,
'Fulgur #3', Detail, 2016
fluorescent tube, cable, styrofoam
Constructing Desire #2 : Delirium, exhibition view, Knopf Paul, Berlin, 2018
Angharad Williams,
'EXZ', 2016,
glazed earthenware
Constructing Desire #2 : Delirium, exhibition view, Knopf Paul, Berlin, 2018
Kasia Fudakowski,
'You’ve found paradise', 2014,
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Gracias Bags', 2017-2018,
various stones and minerals, pigments,
phone battery, glazed earthenware
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Gracias Bags', 2017-2018,
various stones and minerals, pigments,
phone battery, glazed earthenware
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Gracias Bags', Detail, 2017-2018,
various stones and minerals, pigments,
phone battery, glazed earthenware
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Gracias Bags', Detail, 2017-2018
various stones and minerals, pigments,
phone battery, glazed earthenware
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Gracias Bags', Detail, 2017-2018
various stones and minerals, pigments,
phone battery, glazed earthenware
Constructing Desire #2 : Delirium, exhibition view, Knopf Paul, Berlin, 2018
Sophia Mairer,
'Schrecke (exit Strategy)', 2018,
oil on canvas
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Sheela-na-gigs', 2018,
glazed earthenware
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Sheela-na-gigs', 2018,
glazed earthenware
Zoë Claire Miller,
'Sheela-na-gigs', 2018,
glazed earthenware